Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Rasche Notation - Tango shorthand

Specielt during the first year my need to write down figures was enormous! We did not have Youtube or books or anything to help remember the moves. The only aid in reach was to write down the steps!

During that time I developed some kind of way to note the steps - notes which I cannot read today, words are ok but the moves cannot be created based on them.

When I heard about Rasche Notation I bought the books and learned the basics. I still use some signs! Today it is not for the memory but an aid to pay attention to details on a interesting Youtube sequence. I look more careful when I write down the moves!

Here is a link for you to check if it would be interesting for you too! Sacada is % and it is used a lot by me!

Here a link to the site! Click this line!

Rasche Notation

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A tango film about why we dance
