Monday, May 24, 2021

DarkHorse Podcast with Iona Italia & Bret Weinstein

This is a long interview so they can drill into subjects thoroughly!

Bret Weinstein is not dancing tango but he still makes good and insightful questions and summarizes the thoughts discussed nicely.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

My favorite reckless leaders with a matching follower!

 The careless freedom in their dance is a relief! 

Check it with your own eyes!                                      

Roberto Reis has been one of my top reckless leaders and Guillermina Quiroga is the perfect, adventurous match in this milonga!

Another reckless leader of a later date is Maximiliano Cristiani here with Jesica Arfenoni!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Gavito + Maria inspired OCHO-baridas!

Around 3.40 in this video Gavito and Maria do a fantastic ocho/barida combo!

The follower's knee is resting towards the leader's and when Maria's forward ocho is advancing the leader's foot is travelling on the floor! 

You can easily modify the size of ochos and be in heaven when the pista is hardly mowing forward!
(on a fast pista use something else!  :)  )

One couple among our local teachers were intense followers of Cavito teaching that style. I participated in one of their courses in 2005. That time as a follower. Lately I have had quite a lot of spare time to spend on my videos of workshop summaries. On one of the summaries, they used this figure but more relaxed with ordinary ochos with feet smoothly moving on the floor while bodies rested in apilado light. Such a beautiful way to move!

A tango film about why we dance